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Cambridge Assessment (CA) is an integral part of the school’s academic life and contributes to our  mission of ensuring all St Hilda’s students achieve their maximum intellectual potential within the framework of an international curriculum. In Secondary, students follow the Cambridge curriculum pathway from Year 9 to Year 12: in Year 9 and Year 10 students study the IGCSE curriculum, and in Year 11 and Year 12 students study the AS and A Level curriculum, with the option of sitting for the AICE diploma.  The CA examinations are recognised as entrance qualifications at numerous universities, locally and abroad.



Cambridge qualifications are recognised and valued by universities in Argentina and the rest of the world. The full recognition database can be accessed at the CA recognition search page. 


In Argentina, the number of universities which recognise CA certification has increased steadily. Currently, the following Argentine universities have arrangements with CA: 




U. Austral




U. del Salvador

U. Favaloro

U. Di Tella


Internationally, over 600 universities in the US accept Cambridge International AS & A Levels, including all Ivy League and Ivy Plus universities. These universities include Brown, Harvard, MIT, Stanford and Yale. In the UK, all universities accept Cambridge qualifications.


CA works closely with universities to make sure Cambridge qualifications develop the skills and knowledge students need to succeed at university. In a 2018 survey of higher education admissions tutors at the world’s universities, 100 percent of respondents said Cambridge programmes give students excellent preparation for university.



The combination of both the IGCSE and AS and A Level programmes gives our students a sound basis for a broad range of opportunities when they leave St Hilda’s, allowing them to specialise in humanities or sciences, and work confidently and effectively in English. 

The videos below give further insight into CA:  



In Year 9 and 10 students study for the IGCSE in various subjects, which are the world’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year olds. Students sit for their IGCSEs at the end of Year 10. IGCSE is recognised globally, providing a broad and balanced study across a wide range of subjects, using learner-centred and enquiry-based approaches to learning. IGCSE study prepares students for success at pre-university AS and A Level.  



AS and A Level

In Year 11 and 12 students study for AS and A Level subjects which are typically for learners aged 16 to 19 years. Students sit for their AS and A Levels at the end of Year 12. Thousands of learners worldwide gain places at leading universities every year with Cambridge International AS & A Levels. The syllabuses develop a deep understanding of subjects and independent thinking skills.



AS and A Level: AICE Diploma

St Hilda’s offers a rich variety of subject options to students at AS and A Level, allowing students who pass seven credits (an AS Level is one credit, an A Level is two) to obtain the AICE Diploma. The Diploma provides an international curriculum and examination system that emphasises the value of broad and balanced study. Alongside in-depth understanding of a variety of subjects, students also need to master a broader range of skills critical for success in university study and employment. St Hilda’s encourages the AICE diploma because it offers students the opportunity to tailor their studies to their individual interests, abilities and future plans within an international curriculum framework. With the diploma St Hilda’s students have gained entry to universities both in Argentina and abroad.


By demanding knowledge from three different subject groups, plus the core compulsory subject of AS Level Global Perspectives & Research, the AICE Diploma provides a broad curriculum with a balance of maths and science, languages, arts and humanities, and interdisciplinary subjects. It maintains flexibility and choice by allowing students to choose subjects at different levels.

The subject groups and subjects currently offered at St Hilda’s are: 


  • Core Group: Global Perspectives (AS Global Perspectives)

  • Group I Mathematics and Sciences (A Level and AS Mathematics, AS Biology, AS Chemistry)

  • Group II: Languages (A Level Spanish, AS French)

  • Group III: Arts and Humanities (AS English Literature, AS Art and Design, AS Economics, AS History, AS Music)


Since 1912, families at St. Hilda’s not only find the formal education they are seeking for their children, but a place where each individual is given an all-round background: academic, cultural, in the Arts and in sport, spiritual and social


(+54 11) 4662 8083

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Isabel La Católica 1710, B1686FKN, Hurlingham, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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