Education though the Arts is essential for the personal development of students, taking into account the individual and social aspects. It is through the Arts that intellectual growth, creativity and teamwork is perfected.
St. Hilda’s College offers a significant artistic education programme. The Music Department, founded more than 30 years ago, offers students the possibility of learning to play a large variety of instruments played in the Symphonic Orchestra from a young age. There are Choral and Orchestral Ensembles within Primary and Secondary School. There is also a Community Choir and Orchestra, formed by alumni, parents and teachers of the School community.
Our students take part in concerts, individual performances, gatherings and festivals within the School premises, and offsite as well. As from 1997 a Themed Concert is held grouping together the School Choral and Orchestral Ensembles, and the Community Choir & Orchestra, to pay tribute to a particular composer or music genre. Classics such as Vivaldi’s “Gloria”, Ariel Ramírez’ “Misa Criolla” and fragments from Haendel’s “Messiah” have been performed, as well as concerts dedicated to Queen and The Beatles’ songs.
The School puts on three musicals, all in English and aimed at developing artistic and language abilities through music and drama. One of them is staged mainly by Secondary students, accompanied by Primary students in ensemble scenes (numbers). Two other musicals are presented: by Y6 students, and by the children in Kindergarten.